How To: Deal with Embarrassment


Can you believe that this week is coming to an end already?! I feel like this week has gone by so fast. Although, I must say I’m pretty excited about the weekend. #TGIF :p After yesterday’s depressing post, I decided to go on something lighter that does not involve too much thinking/ reflection.

One of the most common things we deal with is embarrassment, no judgements there! Mistakes and Errors are a part of life whether we like it or not. The worst part is knowing that everyone in the world knows about it where you can even hear them laughing at your face. As much as we would all like to move to a tiny country no one’s ever heard of, running away is NOT a solution. I agree that it seems like the best and easiest thing to do. But trust me If anything, acting like a ‘coward’ makes the whole situation worse.


Here are a few things we should keep in mind when dealing with those types of situation.

1) Hold your Head High

The only worst enemy in this situation is our minds battling thoughts constantly. Stop overanalysing or questioning what should have happened but instead grow and flourish from mistakes.

2) Take Responsibility

This is the tricky part since the solution lies in the problem itself. The best way to take responsibility is to apologise. Owning up to your mistakes will not only improve the situation, it defines your character and its what will make you look more admirable. Be careful of making that mistake seem like a joke, humour has its price. The key is not to take it too seriously or too lightly.

3) Rely on your Support System

In this situation, it’s always best to have a “shoulder to lean on”. This can be anyone from your family and friends. The more people you have supporting you, the quicker this gets over.  It may be painful to the people you love after such a blunder, but they are the ones comforting you and making you realise that they’re always there for you.

4) Learn from it

All men make mistakes. But only wise men learn from it- Winston Churchill

The most important thing is to learn from your mistakes. If this behaviour of yours casts doubt on your judgement and maturity, then there’s just a bigger lesson to learn.

5) Move On

Ultimately, embarrassment is just a fleeting thing- its painful but quick. What others regard you as, should not matter. The only opinions you should consider are yours and from those people around you who loves you. Take your punishment, learn a lesson and get on with your life.

From now on, there is absolutely no reason to be embarrassed. Only you can haunt yourself with your past. Being human means making mistakes, learning from it and becoming a better person afterwards.

Hope this helps!

QOTD (Question Of The Day):


What was the most embarrassing moment for you and how did you deal with it? 

PS: Please do not hesitate to leave your feedbacks and suggestions (negative/positive) to improve this blog. Future blog post requests are always welcome. Have a splendid weekend! 🙂 x


7 thoughts on “How To: Deal with Embarrassment

  1. I do belief that God has endowed me with being completely shameless. I just don´t give a F what people think or say. As I say “what others say about me is non of my business”, I do get that for other people they do have more trouble with embarrassment but I just don´t see the point. Be who you are, you are human you make mistakes, you put your foot in your mouth(me probably most than others)you say hurtful things even if you don´t intend to. We embarrass ourselves….the list goes on probably. So be it. I just don´t give it too much though in my head, find it a waste of time to think too much about what people may think about me or say about me. It only makes you either depressed or angry, in my case is the latter so I just go on with my business and my work or so called work if you consider trying to write something that is semi good, work. And I have good friends, I have enemies which I should say as my father told me “if you don´t have enemies in life you are doing something wrong”, and is true, you can´t please everybody, you can only please you and the people you care about and that´s enough for me. Can´t change the world, I´m just living in it.


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